News Article
Ready, Set,School
Hi parents!

This is your 2019 opportunity to have Bloedow Donuts delivered to Lewiston. 
This is a fundraiser for Ready, Set, School.  
The Ready, Set, School (RSS) program provides $75 gift cards/vouchers for children in need to buy school supplies and clothes/shoes.  Read more about the program by clicking on the blue flier/order form.  Please write ST. JOHN'S in the line for homeroom
Mrs. Ellinghuysen will collect forms and payment in the office until Monday, April 29th.
Feel free to pass the form on to co-workers and grandparents.  
Forms and payment can be put in the payment box outside the office door. If the office is closed (if using the payment box, please put form and payment in an envelope).

Tuesday, April 30th will be a good day in Lewiston!